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“She (Cummins) is one of the best players I’ve ever been around,” Castner said, fighting back tears. “This girl means the world to us. She’s an awesome young lady on and off the softball field.”

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Pictures by Nick Graham

“I get emotional talking about these girls,” Firebirds coach Keith Castner said. “The hardest thing is when I see seniors leave, but I have to remember that we’re two of the best teams in the state of Ohio in Division I. Out of 187 teams, we’re the top two teams.
“We want to be No. 1, but I’m very, very proud of them. I’m not just proud of what we did on the softball field. These young ladies, their GPAs, how they treat people off the field and how they treat each other and how they treat their moms and dads, that’s what makes me even prouder than I am as a softball coach.”